Congratulations to all our winners of the first Newtown Historic Association Virtual Trivia Pub Quiz!
- Grand prize: Team Watties (Keyna Crawford, Casey Crawford, Kevin Crawford, Eddie Denkin, Mary Jo Garner, Joanne Nardo, Jen Powell, Jane Swartz, Jim Garner, Corky Swartz)
- 2nd place: Team L (Laurie and Larry Luff)
- 3rd place: Team Kerchner (Becky Kerchner, Kevin Kerchner, Cindy Johnson, Bronwyn Jones, Charlie Ponciroli)
Thanks to everyone who took part and helped make this event a lot of fun and a great success—all those individuals and businesses who have supported the Newtown Historic Association through their time, donations, and gifts. Special thanks to Newtown’s own Quantum Learning, Inc. for their donation of an annual Zoom subscription, which was critical to our ability to run this two-hour long experience.
Keep an eye on our Facebook page and the NHA website for the next Virtual Trivia Pub Quiz event planned for this coming winter.